It is sooooo imperative to me to make my mark in this world and to positively affect the people that I share this earth with. Sometimes its hard. I have a long list of people that if I had a lapse of judgement I would step on their toe. But I know better. I prefer to let them know that their actions don't rank high with me by not stooping to their level (also a difficult task). I am stubborn and head strong so of course I wouldn't let them sway me from being positive.
Lately, feelings of discontent have been filtering its way into my usually happy demeanor. "What's up?" I silently asked myself.
Digression in 5 4 3 2 1... Late Discovery! Ever take a quick moment to ask yourself why you are feeling the way you are feeling and what's causing the feeling? Taking an extra 5 minutes to ask yourself this question, reveals a whole lot. Call me an overthinker, but as of late, the moment I have a feeling that I don't like, I ask myself these questions. Next thing you know, the feeling has subsided.
Alright, and we're back...
So after thinking about it for an hour or so, I realized that I have been upset because one of my major goals is currently and temporarily impeded. This has left me feeling discouraged, disheartened and frankly ungrateful. Why is it that when you have a goal in mind and can't achieve it right away, all of your other accomplishments take a back seat...almost as if they don't exist. Such a tragedy.
I decided that it was time to refocus and channel my energies towards what I can accomplish right now...being a positive influence in the world that I live in. I devote several hours a week to community service through an international service organization. By forwarding the efforts of this organization I am able to make an impact on the local community. However, I feel the need to magnify my efforts. There is nothing like helping someone else in need to make you appreciate what and how much you have.
There are so many people that have been long affected by poverty and misfortune way before the economy fell. There is no better way to refocus my energy and life strategy then to turn down the volume on my concern for my own welfare and worry about something greater than myself.
I took my usual approach to achieving this goal:
1. Brainstorm
2. Organize
3. Set the Goal
4. Come up with a Strategy
5. Execute
6. Review and Regroup
Brainstorm- I pondered, and came up with a short list of issues that I wanted to impact positively. They include:
-Poverty In America- I never understood how the U.S. government sends so much aid to other countries and there are people in need right here. I know they must help out as a world power and I totally agree with that, but there is so much that can be done in our own backyard.
-HIV/AIDS. Somehow, I naiively thought that the stats on new cases have gone down tremendously. Silly me. They're still climbing. Women, men and children are dying from this disease in alarming rates. I am shocked that we are still on this "They look clean" sham.
- Obesity- This is a killer and so many people don't know realize it. I'm down to aid awareness any way I can.
-Energy Conservation- with all of the going green efforts, do I really need to say more?
-Africa- Specifically, Nigeria, Although I wasn't born there, I would like to do more for the country that gave me my father.
So that's my list of areas that I would like to impact.
Organize. Since there are 5 things that I'd like to focus on and 10 months left in the year, I figured I would focus on each goal for two months.
My GOAL: To bring about awareness to each cause and donate (and encourage others) to donate to one (researched) charity that serves that cause.
My Strategy: Utilize facebook and my current networks to magnify my efforts. If I can get one person to match my donation effort...I've doubled the positive impact.
Execute: I will create an informal giving circle ( facebook and right here on BonaB so that anyone who feels a sense of commitment to helping can join!
Review: I will humbly ask that anyone who plans to join me..let me know they are participating so that I can keep a record of how many people supported the cause.
Finally, I am on a budget. I know that I can't cure all of the world's ills. I can only budget $100 to this effort ($10 a month or $20 per cause) but I won't let that stop me from using that extra money to help someone in need and gain a greater sense of self and a greater appreciation for all that God's blessed me with.
Will you join me?
Facebook.. NO MORE
8 years ago
Excellent work sands! Continue to work for the community. This is very commendable.
I love this idea! And sometimes I wonder if we have the same brain I am currently working something very similar for 2009 as well. As young people we need to be motivated to do this kind of work because really its OUR children who will benefit from it all... *rolls neck and snaps finger* You Go Girl!
I love the idea.. sometimes we're so involved in our own world that we forget to do good for others. And we tend to complain when things are done , but we do nothing about them.
Got to make change if we want change
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