Friday, December 18, 2009

Get Free Budgeting Help at Since 2001 - Save More, Spend Less and Get Out of Debt!

Happy Holidays!

Forgive me for my lack of posts :-( However, you'll be happy to know that it is for a very very very good reason. I decided to take all of my fashion and makeup savvy and tastemaking habits and start a new business!

BFF MAKEUP STUDIO is now here! That's right! Now you can get top of the line skin care and makeup and soon fashion all in one spot.
Right now the first line of makeup/skincare that I feature is Mary Kay. Of course it is the #1 Selling Skin Care line for the past 15yrs. Why not start from the top? I'll be adding more great finds. For now check me out

Now on to the main feature. I have been telling you since this blog started about various ways to cut back and yet live fabulously. Well, I found another great online resource that helps you watch your precious pennies. It's been around for a while (2001). The site features all types of budget saving ideas from learning how to read your credit report to making your own soap!

I think the site and its owner are top notch. Check the site out here...

Get Free Budgeting Help at Since 2001 - Save More, Spend Less and Get Out of Debt!

Till next time. And stay away from all of those holiday cookies already :- D


Sunday, September 27, 2009

Make-Up Application Tips-How cool

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Monday, August 3, 2009

So it's August

I think days are going by like minutes because every moment I look up it's a new day. So much has happened since June...(my last blog).

Let me try to recall chronologically the pivotal moments in my life in the last month or so:

1. In early July I reconfirmed that it is more important to watch people's actions and focus less on their words. I have been watching the actions of a close friend and what I realized is that I would listen too much to their well wishes and cliche' comments and not pay enough attention to their negative behavior. When I put this person on mute and watched what they did and how they reacted in certain situations I learned that I no longer wanted to be close to this person. Our philosophy on life and interactions were no longer parallel. Today I am still hurting over the fact that I know that in a few years I won't be able to tell you what this person is doing and how they are fairing. But I find solace in the following wise words: "Some friends are in your life for only a season..." And truthfully every day I hurt less. Life is progression.

2. In mid July I learned that although you think no one is watching or listening, they are. I felt frustrated because I felt like my ideas in a certain area were being overlooked. However, when I least expected it, an old idea that I barely muttered was revived and used (and thank goodness they gave credit where credit was due). Life is rewarding.

3. About a week or two ago I had a wonderful experience...They say the best things in life are free. Well, there aren't any truer words. I found myself in the presence of two marvelous musicians at a sold out concert that I did not buy tickets to. Go figure! And all the while, I am sitting there at the concert pondering about love. Now granted, the concert featured Maxwell and Chrisette Michele so of course how could anyone not think about love? But what was different about this random pondering was that it lasted for a long time. I kept thinking about past relationships and current relationship-like situations (lol) and I couldn't help but feel a little sad. And then it came to me like an epiphany (ha!). When was the last time I was head over heels in love? Not in years. I miss that feeling. But of course, I know that I am truly loved by my family and friends. I know better not to force anything. But I think I'm ready for that butterflies-in-the-tummy feeling again. Life is love.

4. Yesterday while washing dishes I let my mind wander. I kept thinking about a situation that tested my principles. While I know that I navigated my way through it with class and sophistication...I couldn't help but giggle to myself about what I would have done had it happened to me 5 years ago. I thank God for my personal growth. Your personal standards and integrity are so very important. Don't compromise them for anyone. Life is the ultimate lesson.

5. Tomorrow I take another look at my finances. I have to make a decision about paying down debt and finding additional income. I worry a lot lately about finances. But I am learning to free myself from unsuccessful thoughts. So out the window goes the new pair of shoes I wanted for an upcoming event. Life is sacrifice, change, and challenges.

So it's August...already but I'm taking it all in stride because I'm living the heck out of life!

TTFN (Ta Tah for now!)

Friday, June 26, 2009

Carpe diem quam minimum credula postero – "seize the day and place no trust in tomorrow",

Along with the rest of the world I am mourning the recent passing of the KING OF POP- Michael Jackson (age 50). All of the radio stations are playing his music and everyone is posting their favorite song and moment from his lifetime.

Along with most people in my generation...when I was growing up Michael was already a legend.. my first experience of Michael was on VHS. I watched the 2hr long movie featuring his videos and special concert moments over and over and over. I thought he was the coolest person alive...and he was.

Yesterday we also lost Farrah to cancer..and we also lost Ed McMahon. Before then we lost Bernie Mac. It seems like an unfortunate and ongoing trend of losing great talent so early in their lives.

But is it really a coincidence? Even though they are famous, they are people,-human and they share what we all have in imminent demise. (sorry to be so morose)

But there is that nagging feeling that these artists these overwhelmingly great people are not here on this earth very long.

Are we just being selfish? Only wanting them to stay around for our very own enjoyment..possibly..who knows..but these are all questions that are swimming through my head at the moment.

There must be a study on the shortened life spans of the famous...

A quick search brought up this article:

This article is interesting because it at least points out the factors that lead to the famous dying young. The most obvious is drugs but they also list stress and risk-taking behavior. Many of the reasons why the famous are famous is because of their ability to take risks and put themselves out there. Unfortunately, stress and risk taking have their effects on quality of life and life span.

While we all take a moment to think about the wonderful contribution that Michael Jackson has made to this world...I hope everyone takes that very next moment to figure how they can eliminate unnecessary stress and improve their quality of life. We don't know when we will pass on but we do have control over how we enjoy the time that we are here.

Use your time wisely.

Carpe diem quam minimum credula postero – "seize the day and place no trust in tomorrow"

Pop Legend Michael Jackson Dead at 50 - Celebrity Gossip | Entertainment News | Arts And Entertainment -

Pop Legend Michael Jackson Dead at 50 - Celebrity Gossip | Entertainment News | Arts And Entertainment -

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Wednesday, May 27, 2009


You know it burns me up every time I think about my BonaB's living without an updated blog from me. If you have been reading for a while you should know by now that I write when it's important and post when I am moved. As a result, I specialize in quality and minimize the pointless and random blogs just to say that I have updated it everyday.

However, there is much to much that has moved me lately not to address it and open the floor for official BONAB discussion.

The topic of discussion for day is (drum roll please):

SUMMER CLICHES (insert accent mark please)

What is a Summer cliche' you ask?

I'm happy to define it for you. The word cliche' is a french word that defines an expression that is used to the point where it loses its original meaning. Basically overdoing something so that it doesn't carry the same weight. You know the guy that always says something is beautiful...and he compliments you and says you are so beautiful and then he goes and pets a dog and say wow that's a beautiful dog..and you are left wondering whether or not you are being insulted?

That's a cliche'!

So of course my intelligent readers are now wondering what makes something a seasonal cliche' let alone a summer Cliche'??

Summer is a season that is often characterized by it's warm summer days, flowers in full bloom, and increased activity. .People are said to be more active around the summer time; participating in more leisure activities. The earth while in orbit is tilted closer to the sun...driving people temporarily insane and frantic and down right frisky (obviously my opinion).

Thus, therefore, and ergo (lol)...A summer cliche' is any activity, thought process, and/or attire that (while it once had some pertinence and depth)is now overused to the point of blandness.

Ladies and Gentlemen...I give you my top 5 Summer Cliche' list and their replacements (I wouldn't leave you hanging).

5. The maxi dress. My heart strings were pulled when I had to put this on the list. The maxi dress is my FAVORITE easy fashion piece. It's popularity grew at the end of Summer 2007 but was always popular for the Downtown Brooklyn Bohemian Princesses. They practically re-invented the dress LOL! But now every women's store carries a version of this dress from NY and Company, Banana Repub., Ashley Stewart, to Newport News, and even the mega discount store DOTS! I've gotten to the point that I wonder if women in NY have legs. Now don't get me may still catch me on a lazy Sunday with this dress at the supermarket but I can no longer add this to my first line of fashion defense team (read: my fashion A-list).

THE MAXI DRESS REPLACEMENT= THE MAXI SKIRT. Yes...replace the dress add a skirt and add a contrasting top and match it with sandals. Same "I look great without trying look" but now it packs a punch. If you can't let go of the maxi dress at least get the mid-calf maxi in two contrasting colors (one of my favorite BonaB's rocked this well last weekend! Go Girl!).

4. Barbecues where guests come empty handed....(I'm sure my great backyard owner's will feel me on this). Every year you know that your friends will look to you to have the most fab-tastic BBQ in the summer. They ask you about it for weeks and give you the ultimatum "Let me know before I go away on vacation..." Then you commit to a date and $500-$1,000 and a week of preparation later you have it. Your guests come, they eat, and then they leave you with the mess to clean up. LOL. Now everyone knows there is a recession going on. Why do this to yourself? Have a list of items and ask people to add to the fun. Now most kind guests like myself will ask "Do you need anything?" but let's be honest....not everyone does that. So this Summer...throw out the "YOU DO EVERYTHING BBQ" and bring in the "I CAN BRING BBQ".
Trust me you'll thank me for it ;-)

3. The # 3 summer cliche' is ending a relationship because everyone outside is naked or close to naked. Chances are they are naked trying to attract you because they screwed up over the winter time....Approach with caution.

CLICHE' REPLACEMENT:Suck it up and go on vacation with ol'faithful. If you were already single beware of the newly single. They are a dangerous group. again APPROACH with Caution.

2. Starting a brand new work out regime in the summer....

Replacement: Start in September...the gym is empty. LOL

1. WORKING TOO MUCH...Seriously.. if you work hard you need to play hard. Don't let the summer pass you by. ;-)

Till next time!


Thursday, April 30, 2009

My Review

Love this Dress!

Bourgeoisie on a Budget! New York. NY 4/30/2009


4 5

Pros: Color is vibrant, Fit of the dress is great

Cons: none

Best Uses: Luncheon, Going for Brunch, Work

I used this dress for a luncheon at a conference and it was a hit.


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Ahhhh and in comes the Spring... 10 things needed to enjoy it to the fullest

Hello my dears! I hope life is treating you well. Last week we ushered in Spring and bid a farewell to an eventful winter. And while the weather is still quite frigid (at least in NY)...change caresses my face with every sun kissed breeze.

Here are 10 B.On.A.B ways to bring in the Spring with a bang!

1. Get a Bright New Smile. Coffee and winter foods stain the teeth. Be sure to visit the dentist and snag a tube of Crest Extra Whitening paste.

2. If you are trying to get in shape for the coming summer months, set realistic goals/expectations for weight loss. Meet with your doctor, personal trainer, and or nutritionist at least once to set you on the right path. Don't overdo it!

3. Take advantage of online savings passes and free shipping offers. Monitor prices and weigh your options. Chances are you will find great deals on the clearance page of your favorite store's website. Add in a savings pass for even more savings!

4. Make sure your Spring ensembles have the three essentials: FIT, FLARE, and COLOR!! While the winter season was all about texture and coordination...the Spring season is all about FFC.

Fit- Adjust your wardrobe and make sure it still fits and flatters your body. If it doesn't, launder it and donate it to charity!
Flare- Flare is so essential. The easiest way to ad flare is to wear a bold accessory that makes the outfit pop!. A great set of bangles, an ornate ring, or a pair of exotic earrings can spice up an outfit and make it look brand new.
CAVEAT: Be sure to focus on one accessory per outfit (until you become a pro). Matching sets are okay most of the time but make sure your accessories don't detract or over power the ensemble. (Photo Credit: Seth Wenig/Associated Press)

Color- Google the "color wheel/spectrum" and find out what colors naturally complement each other. If you are color clueless, try adding in one bold color to a monotone outfit before getting into color/pattern combos. For those with a little more savvy, find a bottom that has a trendy pattern and match it with a top that is the same color of the color that is least used in the pattern.

Check out this cool outfit from Banana Republic. It totally has FFC. Notice how the blazer isn't too tight. Be sure to buy a blazer one size up if you plan to layer and to avoid the muscle arm look. Notice how the model is able to roll up her sleeves and make this work-appropriate look a bit more casual. The flare comes in with the accessories...the belt and cashmere scarf. Small touches like a funky scarf or belt can really pull an outfit together. Finally, the burst of color...Banana Republic calls this bright delight: BLUE HEAVEN...Amen to that!

5. Change your space!!! Whether its a new living room layout or moving the angle of your computer at work, try to de clutter and rearrange. Need some inspiration? Visit

6. GET OUT! It's still pretty chilly but throw on a jacket and get some midday sun (of course you should still be using sunscreen). The sun has mood elevating power. Grab a little sun and a lot of fresh air and boost your mood. It's free!

7. Get PROFESSIONAL HELP! If you've canceled your standing appointment for pedicures since last September...I wouldn't tackle your talons alone. Go get a professional manicure and pedicure and tip your favorite file wielding manicurist!

8. Evaluate your relationships/friendships. Cut any hurtful, negative, or stagnant relationships. Use the improving weather to go out and meet new people. Go network!

9. Organize your budding social calendar. Now of course just about everyone organizes using an electronic device (blackberry..the like) but with all of the technology one yearns for that personal touch. Paper and pen gives a personal touch and a realistic visual of your daily tasks. Not to mention it makes a fabu vintage fashion statement. Snag a suede journal and make a TO Do list or grab a beautiful Franklin agenda from Target. Cheap and printed on recycled paper...It's a win win.

<---Check out this cute journal from Target for $9.99

10. And last but not least. Try something new. No matter what it is..explore life and all it has to offer!

Mwah! TTFN (Tah Tah for now)

Monday, March 2, 2009

Charity On A Budget

It is sooooo imperative to me to make my mark in this world and to positively affect the people that I share this earth with. Sometimes its hard. I have a long list of people that if I had a lapse of judgement I would step on their toe. But I know better. I prefer to let them know that their actions don't rank high with me by not stooping to their level (also a difficult task). I am stubborn and head strong so of course I wouldn't let them sway me from being positive.

Lately, feelings of discontent have been filtering its way into my usually happy demeanor. "What's up?" I silently asked myself.

Digression in 5 4 3 2 1... Late Discovery! Ever take a quick moment to ask yourself why you are feeling the way you are feeling and what's causing the feeling? Taking an extra 5 minutes to ask yourself this question, reveals a whole lot. Call me an overthinker, but as of late, the moment I have a feeling that I don't like, I ask myself these questions. Next thing you know, the feeling has subsided.

Alright, and we're back...

So after thinking about it for an hour or so, I realized that I have been upset because one of my major goals is currently and temporarily impeded. This has left me feeling discouraged, disheartened and frankly ungrateful. Why is it that when you have a goal in mind and can't achieve it right away, all of your other accomplishments take a back seat...almost as if they don't exist. Such a tragedy.

I decided that it was time to refocus and channel my energies towards what I can accomplish right now...being a positive influence in the world that I live in. I devote several hours a week to community service through an international service organization. By forwarding the efforts of this organization I am able to make an impact on the local community. However, I feel the need to magnify my efforts. There is nothing like helping someone else in need to make you appreciate what and how much you have.

There are so many people that have been long affected by poverty and misfortune way before the economy fell. There is no better way to refocus my energy and life strategy then to turn down the volume on my concern for my own welfare and worry about something greater than myself.

I took my usual approach to achieving this goal:

1. Brainstorm
2. Organize
3. Set the Goal
4. Come up with a Strategy
5. Execute
6. Review and Regroup

Brainstorm- I pondered, and came up with a short list of issues that I wanted to impact positively. They include:

-Poverty In America- I never understood how the U.S. government sends so much aid to other countries and there are people in need right here. I know they must help out as a world power and I totally agree with that, but there is so much that can be done in our own backyard.

-HIV/AIDS. Somehow, I naiively thought that the stats on new cases have gone down tremendously. Silly me. They're still climbing. Women, men and children are dying from this disease in alarming rates. I am shocked that we are still on this "They look clean" sham.

- Obesity- This is a killer and so many people don't know realize it. I'm down to aid awareness any way I can.

-Energy Conservation- with all of the going green efforts, do I really need to say more?

-Africa- Specifically, Nigeria, Although I wasn't born there, I would like to do more for the country that gave me my father.

So that's my list of areas that I would like to impact.

Organize. Since there are 5 things that I'd like to focus on and 10 months left in the year, I figured I would focus on each goal for two months.

My GOAL: To bring about awareness to each cause and donate (and encourage others) to donate to one (researched) charity that serves that cause.

My Strategy: Utilize facebook and my current networks to magnify my efforts. If I can get one person to match my donation effort...I've doubled the positive impact.

Execute: I will create an informal giving circle ( facebook and right here on BonaB so that anyone who feels a sense of commitment to helping can join!

Review: I will humbly ask that anyone who plans to join me..let me know they are participating so that I can keep a record of how many people supported the cause.

Finally, I am on a budget. I know that I can't cure all of the world's ills. I can only budget $100 to this effort ($10 a month or $20 per cause) but I won't let that stop me from using that extra money to help someone in need and gain a greater sense of self and a greater appreciation for all that God's blessed me with.

Will you join me?

Sunday, February 22, 2009

So this is my fault?

First and foremost...FORGIVE ME. I should not have left you without at least a word, a smoke signal, a sign that I was alive and doing well.

It's not that I haven't had the impetus to write. Quite the contrary! I have been wanting to write, to speak, to release about so many things.

Unfortunately, that means I need to unload in random!

So here it goes. The top topics that are on my mind at a given time.

  1. Why is knowledge so liberating and yet such a burden. My mom always told me "If you know better, do better". But lately I can't fight the desire to leave people to their own devices. Why do I have to know better? I am glad that I am educated, have a strong sense of self, and enough confidence for two people (so I've been told). But why do those who have yet to take advantage of their potential become my burden? Before you call me obnoxious or the like...Think about it. This has probably happened to you. Do you ever find yourself making decisions for other people on the road? Coercing them to do the right thing? Like getting over so that they can stop riding your tail. Or slowing down so that they can feel comfortable that you are not racing them?

Do you ever find yourself in an almost empty clothing store and then someone comes and stands behind you and stares aimlessly as you make your choice and then when you walk away they select the same item?

Although sometimes its okay, don't you hate it when someone waits until you say something to declare "That's what I was thinking!" or " Your name here said this so...."

As of late, this is getting on my last nerve. Why are people afraid to speak, think, or choose for themselves? What happened to individuality and KNOWLEDGE of self? Did the economy damage our self esteem to the point where we wait for someone else to tell us what to think? Or is it me? Is it my fault that I am just discovering that so many people are suffering of GROUP THINK? That I am just figuring out that the world is High School?

2. It must be my age but I am starting to detest gossip. This past weekend so many people have asked me about my private life and the private life of my family that I feel like I am being watched. Usually, I would just chalk this up to paranoia but when your fear is confirmed saying that I am paranoid is null and void. In the words of W. Williams "I'm relevant".

3. Circuit City's out of business sale was bananas b-a-n-a-n-a-s! I almost got the Zune I wanted but was putrid pink. Thank goodness because I don't need nor want a pink Zune.

4. Negativity is negative. Meaning it takes away from something. I need to keep everything that is positive in my life. So I have begun to tell people "YOU KEEP IT". Keep your negativity, spite, and malicious thoughts...I don't need it. But thanks.

5. A sense of humor has gotten me through so much. If I am laughing (LOL) just let me.

6. I have a strange ear. Figuratively, I like what I like. Sometimes I like songs for weird moments or just the beat alone.


8. I need tinted windows. This is going to happen soon. I don't know why I didn't just get them when I bought the car. SIGH.

9. I now understand why celebrities wear shades. Some moments, even in public, are private.

10. Judgement should be reserved for God.

Thank you and good night!