Change is so necessary. The seasons change. People change (when they want to). The world changes. Change is the only constant. So no matter what changes you are going through be sure to put your best face forward. My mom always says…no one should be able to tell what you are going through from the way you look. “Groom for the outcome.”
If you read my last post, you already know that I am positioning myself for a grand outcome (you know me…if it ain’t grand, flashy, and femme…I don’t want it). The sacrifice has been just that, a sacrifice but thanks to reassuring words from loved ones I am gracefully accepting the changes (with a few woe is me moments every now and then!).
But enough about me (I could go on for days if you let me LOL), how are we going to get you ready for this changing season?
Ooo Ooo I know, a FACIAL!! Great skin helps you face anything and with the changing weather now is a good time to get your daily regimen in check.
I found this great article by Jen Adkins about getting ready for the fall. Take a look:
Our pal Jen gives great advice on skin care. The ten steps are great. Here are the ten tips she gives for great fall skin with the Bourgeoisie on a Budget Product match-up. Enjoy!
1.Reassess Your Body Cleanser. - Basically you shouldn’t smell like Summer Rain in the fall. You also need more moisture. TRY: Aveeno Moisturizing Body Wash. It smells great and feels even better. ALSO TRY: markSanctuary…great stuff!
2.Try an Oil-based scrub. Basically, don’t scrub your skin off. Since you probably need it in the winter. TRT: Warm Spirit Body Scrubs (heaven in a jar) ALSO TRY: PlanetSpa Brown Sugar Body Scrub with Shea Butter (Sheba baby!)
3.Moisturize every single day. This really shouldn’t be a rule. I hope you don’t leave your house ashy. TRY: Vaseline with Cocoa Butter. I love it. ALSO TRY: Vaseline Age Renewal. It smells great.
4.Analyze your skin. Your skin type changes with the weather. Duh?! TRY: Neutrogena skin products. They have a great range ALSO TRY: Avon by Shola…There is a feature on the Anew Skincare page that picks skin care products specifically for you and all you do is answer a few questions.
5.Organize your Skincare. Great job with this one Jen! Buying a line of products helps you to organize your skin care. Don’t exfoliate too much! Face masks once a week! TRY: Avon Professional line which is reasonably priced. ALSO TRY: Ambi line of products.
6.Don’t forget Sunscreen. In case you didn’t know the sun doesn’t go away in the fall. TRY: MAC foundation with SPF in it…I heart MAC but I sleep with a PC. J (No really as of late…with all the work that I have been doing…my laptop has been snuggling up next to me at night).
7.Remember Your Feet. There is usually an email that goes around during the spring that warns women (especially) about taking care of their feet before wearing sandals. It’s funny and all but I wonder why wait until spring? Why just women? Usually it’s easy to neglect your feet when they are stuffed in stockings and/or socks but try to avoid it. Save money by maintaining your pedicure at home and going maybe once a month to the salon. Get a sheer polish so that it is easier to maintain (less noticeable chips). Put a pumice stone in the shower. They shouldn’t cost more than a $1 (see your favorite 99 cent store). Well maintained feet = less runs in stockings from sharp toes. Tee hee!
8.Invest in Cuticle Oil. (Running out to get some today!)
9.Ditch the Pastel Polish. TRY: A sheer plum. Plum is the new red…so I hear.
10.Indulge in a New Hand Cream. This tip should read: “Head to Bath & Body Works, savings pass in hand and rack up on Midnight Pomegranate, Japanese Cherry Blossom, and the like” Get the crèmes and body soufflĂ©’s. They also have lots of stuff for the men. Got to love a man with manicured and moisturized hands.
And that is all.
And now for my favorite quote “Love. Live Life. Pro-ceed. Pro-gress.” –Lil Wayne.
I heart you all. I really do. Thanks for reading.
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