Thursday, August 21, 2008

Soundtrack to Summer 2008

So a few years back MTV had televised VJ auditions. At that time I as a devoted TRL fan, watched religiously to see who the next MTV VJ would be. I remember sitting through each episode of the auditions. They seemed to go on forever with round after round.

All of a sudden one of the contestants said something so prolific. He was a stocky young black gentlemen who clearly had a love for all types of music. Because when he was asked "What does music mean to you?", he responded 'Music has always been there for me through good and bad times...Music is my soundtrack to life.'

Wow I thought...

"Music is the soundtrack to life."

I remember sitting there completely shocked. I remember wondering if he simply regurgitated that line from some album or something, but when I searched for the quote I came up empty. He just literally free styled one of the hottest lines I have ever heard. Although he never did win the job on MTV, he won my respect that day and forever changed my feelings towards music.

No matter what you are going through in life there is a song that covers the topic or captures the moment perfectly. My summer has been an experience that I will never forget. I had moments of triumph, defeat, laughter, love, and sheer bliss. Here are a few songs that helped complete every summer moment:

  1. BABY by LL Cool J and Dream. I do the mean wop every time this song comes on! In the car, while I'm cleaning up the house, at a BBQ or a Beach Party. Every Friday, leaving work I put on my shades and drive around the corner. Once I get two traffic lights away from the office I BLAST this song. It's a celebration for another work week well done. Then later, as I get ready to make an entrance to an after work social of some sort...I play this song again lol. I am absolutely tempted to "Call the radio and tell 'em it's my song!"

  2. GOLDEN by Chrisette Michele. Hmph :-) "No comment." This song always leaves me speechless. Here's a link to the song. If you don't have this album, consider yourself temporarily insane and then go to for the cure. Can't wait for your next album -Chele! (Saw her in concert this summer. She was Fab!)

  3. Summer Rain by Carl Thomas. A summer classic. When are you coming to NY Carl? . This song always brings me back to Summer 2000. A summer of change, a summer of love and a summer of accomplishment. I still play this album to conjure up fond memories.

  4. Miss Independent by Ne-Yo. Not only is the video reminiscent of Boomerang (nice touch!). But I love the way Ne-Yo writes his songs. Very fluid. He's a storyteller. Miss Independent sounds like a conversation he is having with his friends. Very cool. Oh yea. This is clearly my Monday morning commute song.

  5. Music for Love by Mario. The base line on this song is SICK! The metaphors are steamy and Mario's crooning is the sure sign of maturity. Isn't that what summer is all about? (maturity I mean lol).

  6. Girls Around the World by Lloyd. Cool video. Gimmicky but hey its a cute BBQ song. Should be played right after "Summertime" by Will Smith and DJ Jazzy Jeff -the all time summer classic.

  7. Lil Wayne....ANYTHING. Why is it that every time I turned on the radio this summer I heard Lil Wayne? Not that I don't like Wayne...I just don't want to turn to every radio station and hear the same song over and over again. In any case I heart "Mr. Carter" and my absolute favorite song from his latest album is "Comfortable" that features BABYFACE. If you can get Babyface on your hook nowadays. KUDOS. It's not like he needs the money LOL! Also, this song features a very hot line "Love. Live life. Proceed. Progress." Try and catch it in the song!.

There's more that made it to my play list this summer. But these few songs will hold a special place in my heart as my soundtrack to Summer 2008.

What's on your Summer 08 Soundtrack?

Honorable Mention: Summer 2007 ALL TIME R & B SONG....BED by J. Holiday. I really bought the album on the strength of that song! LOL. Shout out to Dream....

Purple Kisses! (another song by The Dream...just in case you didn't know)

Sunday, August 10, 2008

I would be remiss not to mention...

...that I was glued to the television today; watching some of my favorite athletes achieve their dreams. I also became a huge fan of Mr Cullen Jones today. Not only for his achievement today in the relay but for bringing much needed attention to the fact that parents must teach their children how to swim.

Every summer I hear about a poor child who has drowned or nearly drowned in a pool or at the beach. My first reaction is to admonish the parents..."where were you? why weren't you watching your child?" But, my reaction has changed when I heard about the nanny who died trying to save a child. The problem isn't always the parents or care takers. The problem is simply not knowing how to swim.

I learned how to swim at age 4. My mom enrolled my sister and I into one of the only predominantly African-American swim teams around at the time. The first thing I remember learning was to respect the water. I learned how to get in the water properly and to get out of the water properly to prevent injury. I swam competitively until the age of 15.

This is important only for understanding my POV. I am still shocked that there are so many children who don't know how to swim. I liken this to not learning how to ride a bike or roller skate (even though I suck at least I learned). When friends admit that they do not know how to swim, frankly, I'm perplexed.

In one conversation with a friend of mine I gained some insight...

"So what do you want to do for your birthday?" asks my friend.

"I dunno..something really small and simple. You know, nothing major." I reply.

"Oh yea? Like what?"

"Like a Cruise to the Caribbean or an all-inclusive spa weekend." I answered.

"That's small?!" my friend chuckles.

"Well I would really like to step out of some resort pool in November. That's a sexy thought." (FYI I tend to use sexy as an adjective in place of great, good, etc.)

My friend laughs out loud and then says "I'll have to watch because I don't swim."

" You don't what??? How old are you again? I don't believe this...I must teach you."

"Umm, I grew up in the hood...have you seen pools there lately?" my friend quickly replied with a slight edge in their voice.

I ignored the edge and pressed " old are you? EVOLVE."

**CAUTION** This is where I go off on a complete tangent bare with me folks.

Where or who (for that matter) you come from should never limit what you do or can do now. I absolutely abhor excuses that start off with "well where I come from..." or "I never experienced.." Are you kidding me? EVOLVE. Do what YOU do not what your PARENTS did. If you are a carbon copy then there is really no need for you to walk this planet.

I know that there are people out there who still try to judge people from what "cloth" they are cut from: what school they attended, what their parents do for a living, or where they live...

People who make superficial judgements like that are still trying to define themselves. They are depth less (is that a word? oh who cares I'm on a rant) and are simply projecting. Quit absorbing that mess and Reflect! Reflect that garbage off of you and keep it B.onaB.! okay?!


I learned a great deal from this conversation with my friend. I learned that where you live can be a barrier to learning how to swim at a young age. I also learned that many people don't take time to learn how to swim after they have become adults. Yet, learning how to swim is very important to every child, teen, adult, and senior. It's a life saving tool that is impossible to unlearn. It's also very inexpensive to learn.

In fact, learning to swim (in most cases) costs less than a designer bathing suit. There are classes available at just about every YMCA and at just about every college/university. All it takes is a little research (I'm talking a phone call here people).

So before you book your next tropical get away or head into the water at the beach/pool please think about taking a few nights out of the week to learn how to swim. It could only save your life.

And just in case you need some stats...

I'd like to dedicate this blog to my coach, Robert Trotman. Who always taught me to keep my head down and my eyes on the finish line.

I'd also like to extend my condolences to the families of

Bernie Mac and Isaac Hayes

You will be missed.


Tuesday, August 5, 2008

These are a few of my favorite things..

Mary Poppins was definitely onto something. Right now life is as hectic as can be. We are in a recession :-( and still in a losing (whenever lives are lost it's a loss in my book) battle overseas. And while I know that I will change things when I go and vote in November, sometimes the state of the world gets me down. But I refuse to stay that way.


I just think about a few of my favorite things and then I don't feel soooooo BAAAADDD!

::Giving a Spirit Fingers finish:::

So here is a list of some of my favorite things under $20 (hello B.On.A.B!) that lift my mood.

10. NETFLIX- Nothing..absolutely nothing beats coming home after a long day at work to that wonderful red envelope in your mailbox. All of a sudden the world is okay. I snuggle up under my favorite blue and gold stadium blanket (Go PRIDE!) and forget my troubles for the next two and a half hours.

9. Riesling- RELAX . Yummy!

8. SUGAR BABY Bath products from Australia... Makes you feel delicious

7. Neutrogena LIP GLOSS...What can I say? If you love Carmex and MAC'll love this. It's soooo poppin.
6. RED VELVET Cake from Cake Man Raven...all 400 calories of it.
5. Love Spell by Victoria Secret. You can't be in a bad mood when you smell like Fruit Punch :-)
4. Warm Cream Pedicure from Red Door Spas! It's worth the extra $5 (it costs $25)
3. Stew Chicken and Rice & Peas from Road Runner of Hempstead, NY. This is only second to my mom's :-)
2. Eyebrow wax from Kurtis! Perfectly arched eyebrows really finish your look. He does an excellent job with my babies! And I'm not sharing him (I mean it!..see there is no link)
1. My mini Bible! Do I need to say more?
Stay tuned for my list for items under $100 (Michael Kors on sale with a unrestricted coupon from L & T here we come :-D )