Sorry folks, I feel another Tylenol induced slumber coming on.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Late Discoveries
Sorry folks, I feel another Tylenol induced slumber coming on.
Monday, December 8, 2008
All I want for Christmas
Here is PJ Sparkles. She was the best.
Friday, November 14, 2008
FASHION & POLITICS A brief musing
So what’s new?!
Ahh first and foremost we have a new president elect! I’m elated that America saw it fit to elect such an extraordinary and unique candidate. The icing on the cake is that he and his family are completely in tune with fashion, style, and budgets LOL!
Although Mrs. Obama took a lot of criticism for the November 5th red and black satin dress, she has always done an excellent job with her ensembles. In fact, I am not among those who abhor the outfit. Oh contraire! I like the statement. I would have preferred a different color choice but the texture mix of the dress documents (oh so nicely) what’s going on in America today (fashion and politics an unlikely couple).
But alas, this winter, the powers that be (the almighty fashion designers) saw it fit to inject voluminous color, pattern, and texture into their fall lines. As a result, I have gasped in awe and delight at the vibrant royal blues, plums, golds, suedes, leather, hound’s-tooth, and vivid cranberries I see prancing down the street. I even see pumpkin colored ensembles, and apple green mixes that really pop!
Knits and leopard, Satin and Suede, Paisley and well Paisley have inspired me and kept me in high spirits.
I don’t know who to thank for this perfectly printed fashion world but I embrace the change. It really seems like the masses have let go of the shades of gray and embraced a more liberal styling.
Funny coincidence ay?
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Can a perfectionist be an optimist? I’m cautiously optimistic.
The horrible secret everyone has been keeping from me. PAY ATTENTION…Someone might be trying to tell you something.
Like a wet armpit stain on a princess cut, solid colored Express blouse your personality is noticeable. Your friends know the ins and outs of what makes you, you. But very often, they won’t tell you (at least not directly) that there may be something wrong with your personality. Only their reactions to you leave you clues of how you affect people. Positively or negatively. It goes both ways.
CLUE #1 My friends avoid giving me negative feedback like the plague. So afraid of my reaction or relentless effort to “fix it” they simply find positive things to say or say nothing at all. Great friends right?! Yea, I love them a lot. But that’s not conducive to my growth.
CLUE #2 Often, I am told “Wow you put a lot of effort into that…I wasn’t expecting that much.” Or “It doesn’t have to be perfect.” The latter statement irks my inner core. Of course things don’t HAVE to be perfect…but does that mean you don’t try to achieve it (still rolling my eyes).
CLUE#3 I am often given sensitive/detail-oriented projects at work.
CLUE#4 I procrastinate until I know the perfect method of execution.
CLUE#5 My mantra is Go hard or Go Home. All or nothing!
If you haven’t guessed it by now, I’m a textbook perfectionist. Today I typed in perfectionist in Wikipedia and my jaw dropped. Yes I’ve been called a perfectionist before (many times now that I think of it) but never had I really reviewed the true DSM-IV-esque definition of it. I either take it as a compliment or just ignore it completely. This was the horrible secret everyone has been keeping from me-yet hinting at.
Could I be this bad? I don’t find similarities with all of the description but there are many that had the ring of truth. Truthfully, I am still shocked at what I read. I immediately took one of the quizzes the wikipedia entry suggested. The results confirmed my friends’ assertion. I am a (sigh) perfectionist.
What does that mean you say? It means that I am overly critical of myself. I weigh every setback and imperfection as a failure on my part. I am a workaholic. I stress often and plan incessantly. “Go with the flow” is counterintuitive for me. Criticism is a fate worst than death and my standards are high. (taking a deep breath)
But there is a bright side. Oh yes. As much as I am a perfectionist I am a STRONG believer in positive thinking. It is my belief that impossible is just a synonym for difficult. I see great things in everyone I meet even those I can’t stand (very short list). And although I criticize my work/self, I tend to reserve judgment on other people and their decisions.
So here I am a complete and utter paradox in need of some skirts, tops, and a new express blouse (figuratively speaking).
I’ll keep you updated!
Random side note: NEW OUTLET ON LONG ISLAND IN DEER PARK I CAN”T WAIT TO GET OVER THERE! Okay, I’m on a budget so I will wait for some sales.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Change is so necessary. The seasons change. People change (when they want to). The world changes. Change is the only constant. So no matter what changes you are going through be sure to put your best face forward. My mom always says…no one should be able to tell what you are going through from the way you look. “Groom for the outcome.”
If you read my last post, you already know that I am positioning myself for a grand outcome (you know me…if it ain’t grand, flashy, and femme…I don’t want it). The sacrifice has been just that, a sacrifice but thanks to reassuring words from loved ones I am gracefully accepting the changes (with a few woe is me moments every now and then!).
But enough about me (I could go on for days if you let me LOL), how are we going to get you ready for this changing season?
Ooo Ooo I know, a FACIAL!! Great skin helps you face anything and with the changing weather now is a good time to get your daily regimen in check.
I found this great article by Jen Adkins about getting ready for the fall. Take a look:
Our pal Jen gives great advice on skin care. The ten steps are great. Here are the ten tips she gives for great fall skin with the Bourgeoisie on a Budget Product match-up. Enjoy!
1.Reassess Your Body Cleanser. - Basically you shouldn’t smell like Summer Rain in the fall. You also need more moisture. TRY: Aveeno Moisturizing Body Wash. It smells great and feels even better. ALSO TRY: markSanctuary…great stuff!
2.Try an Oil-based scrub. Basically, don’t scrub your skin off. Since you probably need it in the winter. TRT: Warm Spirit Body Scrubs (heaven in a jar) ALSO TRY: PlanetSpa Brown Sugar Body Scrub with Shea Butter (Sheba baby!)
3.Moisturize every single day. This really shouldn’t be a rule. I hope you don’t leave your house ashy. TRY: Vaseline with Cocoa Butter. I love it. ALSO TRY: Vaseline Age Renewal. It smells great.
4.Analyze your skin. Your skin type changes with the weather. Duh?! TRY: Neutrogena skin products. They have a great range ALSO TRY: Avon by Shola…There is a feature on the Anew Skincare page that picks skin care products specifically for you and all you do is answer a few questions.
5.Organize your Skincare. Great job with this one Jen! Buying a line of products helps you to organize your skin care. Don’t exfoliate too much! Face masks once a week! TRY: Avon Professional line which is reasonably priced. ALSO TRY: Ambi line of products.
6.Don’t forget Sunscreen. In case you didn’t know the sun doesn’t go away in the fall. TRY: MAC foundation with SPF in it…I heart MAC but I sleep with a PC. J (No really as of late…with all the work that I have been doing…my laptop has been snuggling up next to me at night).
7.Remember Your Feet. There is usually an email that goes around during the spring that warns women (especially) about taking care of their feet before wearing sandals. It’s funny and all but I wonder why wait until spring? Why just women? Usually it’s easy to neglect your feet when they are stuffed in stockings and/or socks but try to avoid it. Save money by maintaining your pedicure at home and going maybe once a month to the salon. Get a sheer polish so that it is easier to maintain (less noticeable chips). Put a pumice stone in the shower. They shouldn’t cost more than a $1 (see your favorite 99 cent store). Well maintained feet = less runs in stockings from sharp toes. Tee hee!
8.Invest in Cuticle Oil. (Running out to get some today!)
9.Ditch the Pastel Polish. TRY: A sheer plum. Plum is the new red…so I hear.
10.Indulge in a New Hand Cream. This tip should read: “Head to Bath & Body Works, savings pass in hand and rack up on Midnight Pomegranate, Japanese Cherry Blossom, and the like” Get the crèmes and body soufflĂ©’s. They also have lots of stuff for the men. Got to love a man with manicured and moisturized hands.
And that is all.
And now for my favorite quote “Love. Live Life. Pro-ceed. Pro-gress.” –Lil Wayne.
I heart you all. I really do. Thanks for reading.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Taking a Step Back in order to Leap Forward
I mentioned to you all that I have a background in management and according to my last performance review I’m pretty great at it. There’s just one problem. My extremely organized and logical approach to my work and my other passions (marketing, etc.) does not always translate into other aspects of my life.
Let me give you an example of my latent OCD. I get about 100 emails per day. That’s just the nature of my job. Despite that, my inbox remains clean. Not one email stays in my inbox for over 5-10mins. I triage each email into one of several folders. I then assign it a priority color code. All red items are handled within the hour. Blue Items I am waiting on a response from someone else before I can answer and Orange Items are FMI (just for my information). I archive each week and respond even if it is to say “Report complete.” Or a simple “Confirmed.” This creates a record that I have completed everything that I was supposed to do for this particular case/issue. So in the event (because it happens so often) that I need to provide a status I can type in “confirmed” or “complete” and everything I have done for the week pops up.
I share this with you not for you to laugh at me (although I am sure you are anyway. it’s okay), but to convey that when it comes to work and my passions I am meticulous. And when it comes to everything else, I am completely relaxed.
So what’s the problem you ask?
Finances. My dear Watson. Finances.
I take extreme care with Other People’s Money and I am COMPLETELY relaxed when it comes to large ticket items (car, apartment, etc.). This is part of the reason that I created Bourgeoisie on a Budget. My goal is to continue to live well using less and helping others to do the same. Simply put, I want to eat my cake, save some for later, and sell the rest for a reasonable profit.
These past few weeks, I have seriously examined my expenditures in comparison to my life goals. My findings? I am accepting less, not SERIOUSLY working towards my dream of more, because of my fear of sacrifice. Confused? Let me clarify point by point.
Taking anything that is less than your ideal is accepting less. It is okay to do it temporarily but getting caught in the cycle of accepting less than what you really want/need is counterproductive and addictive. (I’m tempted to give relationship advice here but since I do not have the appropriate degree, and it’s completely off subject…I will happily refrain.)
By accepting less, I am not saving towards the more that I require out of life. It’s like buying a closet full of Baker’s when what you really wanted was a pair of Manolo’s. If you would have stopped buying all that Baker’s (or bought one pair) and saved the rest of your income…you probably could have gotten what you initially wanted. (I am not opposed to Baker’s people I just needed a plausible analogy). Furthermore, by limiting yourself to Baker’s and only shopping there… you are not keeping track of you initial goal and you lose the opportunity to get the Manolo’s on sale at Bluefly!
So what’s a girl to do?
Well, first I called my financial advisor (I’m so happy she remembered that I was alive!) and came clean. I told her what my goals were and she promised to help me reach them. I plan to meet with her in two weeks. By then I am supposed to have a fully worked out budget to propose to her. I received in the mail two days after our chat, a wonderful worksheet that will help me put together my budget.
Second, I made a drastic move. Literally, I got rid of my biggest liability (and one of my biggest joys) in order to realize my personal financial goal. While tears, extreme pouting, and worrying were apart of the transition, I knew this was a necessary change that I had to make. If something is not contributing to your goals, it may very well be an obstacle. And if it is an obstacle you need to remove it.
Third, after I finish posting this blog…I am going to research every step it takes to get to my goal. This will serve as my check list to success.
Side Note: Since my drastic move was bound to make some people criticize my decision, I didn’t tell many people. Sometimes a random opinion can keep you from doing what is necessary. An opinion is exactly what it is…nothing more. Sometimes I forget that.
While shopping the other day (don’t worry it was for necessities AND I had a savings pass!), I thought about the Olympics track and field events. I remember watching each runner go through their own funny routine before they got “on their mark”. Every runner did it. Every runner had their own routine and could care less that the world was watching them shake their leg three times, roll their head from side to side, take a step back and then flail their arms front and back. And although, it was funny to watch, no one laughs. No one laughs because the understanding is that the runner is preparing for the race of their life. So who the hell cares what they need to do before hand to get ready for it. All that matters is the success waiting at the end of the race.
Make your sacrifices without others in mind...ALL THAT MATTERS is the success at the end of the race.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Soundtrack to Summer 2008
All of a sudden one of the contestants said something so prolific. He was a stocky young black gentlemen who clearly had a love for all types of music. Because when he was asked "What does music mean to you?", he responded 'Music has always been there for me through good and bad times...Music is my soundtrack to life.'
Wow I thought...
"Music is the soundtrack to life."
I remember sitting there completely shocked. I remember wondering if he simply regurgitated that line from some album or something, but when I searched for the quote I came up empty. He just literally free styled one of the hottest lines I have ever heard. Although he never did win the job on MTV, he won my respect that day and forever changed my feelings towards music.
No matter what you are going through in life there is a song that covers the topic or captures the moment perfectly. My summer has been an experience that I will never forget. I had moments of triumph, defeat, laughter, love, and sheer bliss. Here are a few songs that helped complete every summer moment:
- BABY by LL Cool J and Dream. I do the mean wop every time this song comes on! In the car, while I'm cleaning up the house, at a BBQ or a Beach Party. Every Friday, leaving work I put on my shades and drive around the corner. Once I get two traffic lights away from the office I BLAST this song. It's a celebration for another work week well done. Then later, as I get ready to make an entrance to an after work social of some sort...I play this song again lol. I am absolutely tempted to "Call the radio and tell 'em it's my song!"
- GOLDEN by Chrisette Michele. Hmph :-) "No comment." This song always leaves me speechless. Here's a link to the song. If you don't have this album, consider yourself temporarily insane and then go to for the cure. Can't wait for your next album -Chele! (Saw her in concert this summer. She was Fab!)
- Summer Rain by Carl Thomas. A summer classic. When are you coming to NY Carl? . This song always brings me back to Summer 2000. A summer of change, a summer of love and a summer of accomplishment. I still play this album to conjure up fond memories.
- Miss Independent by Ne-Yo. Not only is the video reminiscent of Boomerang (nice touch!). But I love the way Ne-Yo writes his songs. Very fluid. He's a storyteller. Miss Independent sounds like a conversation he is having with his friends. Very cool. Oh yea. This is clearly my Monday morning commute song.
- Music for Love by Mario. The base line on this song is SICK! The metaphors are steamy and Mario's crooning is the sure sign of maturity. Isn't that what summer is all about? (maturity I mean lol).
- Girls Around the World by Lloyd. Cool video. Gimmicky but hey its a cute BBQ song. Should be played right after "Summertime" by Will Smith and DJ Jazzy Jeff -the all time summer classic.
- Lil Wayne....ANYTHING. Why is it that every time I turned on the radio this summer I heard Lil Wayne? Not that I don't like Wayne...I just don't want to turn to every radio station and hear the same song over and over again. In any case I heart "Mr. Carter" and my absolute favorite song from his latest album is "Comfortable" that features BABYFACE. If you can get Babyface on your hook nowadays. KUDOS. It's not like he needs the money LOL! Also, this song features a very hot line "Love. Live life. Proceed. Progress." Try and catch it in the song!.
There's more that made it to my play list this summer. But these few songs will hold a special place in my heart as my soundtrack to Summer 2008.
What's on your Summer 08 Soundtrack?
Honorable Mention: Summer 2007 ALL TIME R & B SONG....BED by J. Holiday. I really bought the album on the strength of that song! LOL. Shout out to Dream....
Purple Kisses! (another song by The Dream...just in case you didn't know)
Sunday, August 10, 2008
I would be remiss not to mention...
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
These are a few of my favorite things..
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Estelle Getty, Sophia from the Golden Girls, passes away at 84.
Getty made a true impact on me. Her life is an example that it is never to late in life follow your dreams and be succesful.
Ms. Getty we will miss you terribly!
Friday, July 18, 2008
Are you there God? It's me Sholly
-Sunscreen (Mary Kay has the best. second only to Avon but I’m biased lol)
-SSS bug spray (to keep the beach mosquitoes away)
- Anne Rice novel (I have to read this for book club)
- Uno Cards (for a mean game of drunken uno)
- Candy land beach towel (Very Retro-Sheik)
- Blue print Maxi Dress- Ladies if you don’t have at least 3 in your closet you really need to step your game up or or ) Maxis are the easiest dresses to rock with a pair of old Golden girls sun glasses and a pair of chancletas (sp??). Chancletas is onomatopoeia for flip flops or any noisy flat shoe. Named for the noise they make when you walk Chan-Cleta Chan-Cleta Chan-Cleta LOL
- Neutrogena Moisture Shine Glimmer 15 with SPF 20 (this lip gloss is popping! Stay tuned for my top lip gloss under $20 list)
I also brought with me six bags of ice and two large bottles of Arbor Mist to add to the festivities (didn’t have time to make my famous Strawberry Fruit Punch Margaritas).
So I get to the beach fashionably late as only I can do (4 hours late to be exact) and to my utter surprise all of the parking fields are closed except for Field #1. The party was closest to Field #5.
“Oh Dear..” I exclaimed. I didn’t want to alarm my guest so I added “Oh well Field 1 can’t be that far from Field 5. Up for a quick work out before we get there?”
“Not a problem.” He says. (What a great person I thought).
We drive to field 1 and low and behold. I couldn’t be any more wrong! We drove for a good 10 minutes with quite a few other cars to finally arrive at field 1.
My guest looked the way I felt…WORRIED. We get up to the parking attendant and ask “How long is the walk?”
The attendant simply replies “I wouldn’t do it.”
So with an awkward silence in the air I park the car closest to the direction of Field 5. I slowly turned to my guest with a classic damsel in distress look (and very genuine might I add) on my face and asked “What do you think we should do?”
He responded “Let’s sell the ice for a ride.” After we chucked about that he said “we can make it”
To that I said “Yes, we can.”
As I opened up the trunk to display the luggage that needed to come with us, I felt despair creeping up behind me. My friend and I divided the bags of ice the best we could. Being an absolute gentleman he insisted on carrying the extra bag with the two bottles of Arbor Mist. Being the perfect lady…I let him LOL
Optimistically, we journeyed off with heavy bags of ice on our shoulders and the blazing sun above us.
The journey began playfully. I mean, what could you do but laugh and poke fun at the situation? It didn’t seem like we would be walking for THAT long and it beat walking in the sand (alternate route that was quickly dismissed). So we made small talk and poked fun at our seemingly hopeless situation.
SIDE BAR: Before you think that the two of us were complete fools. We tried calling for help FIRST to no avail. Only I had service (thank you AT &T).
So we’re walking. And 5 minutes later we are still walking. 10 minutes later we reach a milestone. Oh hey look its Field 2! We’re making progress. My guest turns to me and smiles and says “Your dress is wet.”
“Huh?..Oh WOOOOW!” I replied and looked down at the hem of my dress. The ice was beginning to melt and seep through the bag. I then felt a shockingly cold stream run down my leg on to my foot. My face must have said it all…my guest starts laughing. As he laughs I notice that what he thinks might just be the cold of the ice on his pant leg is actually a pool of water gathering on his pants and shirt. I pointed…. “Look at your pants!” We began to laugh hysterically and managed to keep walking. We’ll be there soon enough.
Well 10 minutes turned into 20 minutes and all of a sudden we spot a deer crossing the road toward us!
“WTH?! Yo! Is that a deer? Wait don’t move.” He says.
A deer peeked out of the tall grass and came walking towards us from the other side of the road.
The deer crossed the street (safely thank God) and literally came within two feet of us. And I swear to you that for a quick instant I thought the deer was laughing at us on its way through to the other side of the beach.
“Was that deer laughing at us?” I asked.
“Hush you’re hallucinating.”
We pressed on.
Another ten minutes goes by (Yes people we’ve been walking for 30 mins) We get to Field 3. We saw a bus parked just a few steps ahead.
“Hey maybe we can catch the bus to Field 5!” I exclaimed and walked briskly to the bus.
When I got there I asked in the sweetest voice I could muster and asked the bus driver “Sir, do you go past field 5 by any chance…Can you take us?”
The bus driver looked at me as if it was the 50’s and said “I don’t go that way!” and shut the door. This was quite interesting because the driver was of Hispanic descent.
“Hey how long is it to Field 5?” we asked another field attendant.
“Another 2 ½ miles” he said then added “I wouldn’t lie to you” after he saw the look of shock on our faces.
We pressed on.
“My arms hurt” said my guest.
“Let me hold something else.” I offered. I took one of the bottles of Arbor mist and placed it on top of the melting ice. Both my right leg and his left were wet from melted ice.
Then out of no where the sidewalk disappeared. We walked in single file in silence as cars drove past us at 40-50mph. Again, my friend, being the gentlemen that he is kept a watchful eye as my gait kept leading towards walking in the middle of the road.
“Be careful, I don’t want you to get hit.” He said.
“I don’t care! Maybe if they hit me…we’ll get a ride to Field 5.” I whined as I staggered along. I was starting to lose hope but never thought to stop.
Finally I said “Let’s try someone else at the party.” I dropped the bag on the sand/grass and found my cell phone.
Ring Ring. “Hello? Sweetie is that you??? Why are you ditching the party? We’re having fun!”
“HELLLLP ME!!” I screamed “I’m AT THE damn party…been here for the last half hour or so I’m at Field 4 SEND HELP!”
“We’ll be right there!”
I let out a sigh. Help is coming. All I have to do is sit right here and they will come get us in their shiny car with the A/C blasting…OHHH YEAA (in my best Kool-Aid voice. Never drink that stuff it’s poison…just kidding… but no really stay off it people. because I still see the commercials so someone is still buying the stuff).
10 minutes later. Help arrives. But there is just one problem. WHERE IS THE CAR? What’s this? Why no car? Did you really come to save me on foot?
“Oh dear. Are you there God? It’s me…Sholly.”
My help came and they relieved my guest and me of the bags…for which I was COMPLETELY grateful. I didn’t realize how much easier it was to walk without bags of ice strapped to my back.
Finally we made it to Field 5 and low and behold….THEY REOPENED PARKING IN FIELD 5! I think I let out a dirty word or two under my breath and tossed my hair and continued on to the party. I pasted on a smile and helloed and how are you’d my way to the spread of BBQ goods and had a great time.
AND the rest is history. (I got a ride back to the car after the party)
Dear Summer…we always have memorable times!
Special shout out to:
My Angels You two know who you are.
The other half of the dynamic duo. You are the best.
The people on the road who passed us smiling waaaay to hard.
Shout out to the beach staff that opened up the parking at FIELD 5 WHEN WE FINALLY got there. You LINT LICKERS!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
My Self-Help Summer...
Summer is truly here…ask me how I know…go ahead ask me…No silly not because of the weather or the date…I know because I always fall into an introspective mood right around this time. As if the heat and atmosphere know that I need to fall back, regroup and refocus before winter. To satisfy my insatiable desire for self-improvement I have packed my night stand with the following Self-Help Books.
1. How to Talk with Practically Anybody about Practically Anything by Barbara Walters
Rationale: When I speak, people understand me or at least they appear to. However, I really would like to be able to have the ability to speak to anyone about anything. There are so many delicate situations and although I have found great ways to get handle them thus far…a few tips from Barb won’t hurt.
2. Why Smart People Do Stupid Things with Money by Bert Whitehead and Andrew Weil
Rationale: So I consider myself one of the smart ones. I do things that make sense and have even led others to the light. My background in business is a great help but sometimes I need help ditching those bad financial habits that I’ve learned from others (not going to say who). It is easy to do what is easy. It’s easy to fall for the tricks and traps of financing and commercial banking. I plan to successfully avoid any further financial traps and set up my financial freedom. Great read thus far.
3. Upstate by Kalisha Buckhannon
Rationale: Okay so if you are one of the swift ones, you are already wondering how this got on my self-help list. This literary journey took me so far away from my small and surmountable daily issues and promptly dropped me off in a peaceful and solution oriented state of mind. As a result of reading this novel, I was enriched. Let me explain. Upstate is a coming of age story set in Harlem but what happens there is something miraculous. Two lovers, both teens, trapped in prison…one prison is the penitentiary and the other prison is poverty. I refuse to spoil what happens but let’s just say this book is worth the ride and REAAALLLY makes you appreciate where you are in life. I closed the book and wiped a tear from my eye and said “Wow, I needed that.”
Next on my summer reading list:
48 Laws of Power (recommended by my sands)
Any other suggestions?
Coming soon (my four mile walk to the beach…)
Monday, June 30, 2008
Now, my favorite supermarket is Pathmark followed by Waldbaums (heard they bought out Pathmark…whoopee) and trailing in third, Stop & Shop (they claim to have great prices…still waiting, but I love their organic section).
That being said, Pathmark is about 2-3 miles from my abode and Waldbaums and Stop & Shop were equally far. In my effort to save gas and time, I decided to go to another Supermarket by the name of Associated. Now, usually I wouldn’t even pay attention to this place (I am very loyal to my Pathmark) but it was positioned well between the park and my house so I decided “what the hey?” how bad can it be? It appeared pretty clean from the outside, no block huggers in sight so I parked my car and marched in….
“What’s that smell?” I say “Has something died in here?” Ohhh nevermind, it was just the smell of fish on ice wafting from the back. I calm down and remind myself that I am only in here for three things: frozen strawberries, frozen (fat-free) yogurt, and some low-cal fruit punch/lemonade.
I walk directly towards the freezers to find the strawberries….What’s this? Where is the frozen fruit? I saw everything from popsicles (not so bad) to frozen quarter waters (thanks mom for never letting me imbibe such a concoction of sugar, water, and food coloring no matter how much I begged). I searched high and low and was beginning to get quite annoyed as I didn’t want to be late to work on account of a smoothie craving.
Letting out an exasperating sigh…I gave up the search for frozen strawberries remembering that I had a small amount left in my own freezer and moved on to frozen yogurt. They have to have frozen yogurt with low sugar/low-cal.
After searching for 3 minutes (mind you the freezer section is not even a full aisle) I was able to find something that resembled low-cal ice cream. Keep in mind there was a plethora of unhealthy choices of ice-cream. There was: Caramel Ice Cream, Chunky Monkey, Neapolitan, Double Chocolate, Rocky Road, etc. Nothing that resembled a …I dunno...Healthy because I want to live to see my grandkids go to college flavor. Okay that was harsh. I love Cookie Dough Ice Cream as much as the next person but I’ve learned that good ol’ Tanqueray motto “Everything in Moderation”. So I save it for my occasional visit to Friendly’s or Cold Stone.
Okay I feel like I’m losing you here…Let me travel back to the story (got to love my tangential excursions).
Fine. So I settle on the bootleg low-cal ice cream and start up the search for low-cal juice. This can’t be too hard I tell myself. Everyone has low-cal juice. Even 7-Eleven has this.
Are you FRICKING KIDDING ME???????????
I’m not overreacting I tell myself. You are not throwing a Bougie- fit. Okay maybe you ARE throwing a fit but this one is well deserved. How do you call yourself a supermarket without a selection? There is nothing SUPER about you…you IMPOSTER you! You are merely a mini-mart on steroids. I could have saved more time and money for that matter (the ice cream was like $5) by taking the drive to PATHMARK…simply selecting what I wanted and sauntering over to the SELF CHECK OUT and leaving shortly thereafter.
Then it dawned on me…my gripe wasn’t a personal preference issue…what about the people who need sugarless choices. Did no one have Diabetes or high blood pressure in this neighborhood? (Although I wish that were the truth…I know better) Did this supermarket do a census and conclude that they didn’t need to provide healthier options for the people that ventured into this particular store?
And as I continued to wonder…I became angry. How dare you charge people higher prices and offer a very limited selection of food?
I was no longer in a smoothie mood. I put everything back that I picked up and immediately left the store. The neighborhood that the store is in is truly mixed neighborhood both culturally and economically. However, my most educated guess would lead me to believe that (due to its central location) the store is targeted to the economically disadvantaged population in the village. Those that do not read/study labels or do comparison shopping. Those that do not have the leisure of jumping in their car and driving 10 minutes to a better choice. Those who are not focusing on whether or not a food is organic…
Please do not misinterpret me or my intent. I am not asserting that if you don’t have money you’re not smart, or choosy about what you eat. However, I don’t think that those who are watching every dime will take the bus ($4) or cab ($10) to lug groceries back from a not so close market to save 50-100 calories or to forgo trans-fats. Although the benefits are clear to you and I (quality of life, longer life, better health), to those that are less fortunate quantity is better than quality.
I went to work that day silently fuming. I felt like they were slowly poisoning people “in the hood.” However, technically it was not “the hood” but the most central part of town.
Hey man, your diabetes acting up? Have some more Kool-Aid! (Sorry Chris Rock must have possessed me for a moment)
On the way to my office, I usually take the back streets. I counted at least three “Quickie-Marts.” I scoffed. Surely they sold fresh fruit and vegetables in there…yea right.
I knew that this could not be my discovery all alone. For some time I have known that those who are less fortunate and less educated were often given inferior choices. I searched the internet for studies done on the subject and found the following article from the Department of City Planning site.
After reading this article I had a feeling of vindication. So you do know about it Mister Man!
My favorite excerpts from the article are as follows:
“Diabetes now affects over 700,000 people in New York City (type two I’d bet), over 1.1 million New Yorkers are obese, and another 2 million are overweight… Food dollars are likely being spent by residents in high need areas at discount convenience stores whose line of food products is limited, of poor quality, and generally more expensive than the same products sold at supermarkets…”
Overall this leads to “greater incidences of diet related diseases including diabetes and obesity, low consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables by area residents, lost business opportunities, and a diminished quality of life in neighborhoods.”
Now that my assertion was validated by the Department of City Planning….what am I to do create change? My options can include: writing a letter to the store’s HQ, writing a letter to the mayor, starting a petition, boycotting mini-marts that don’t offer healthy choices.
The article suggested that this is a city problem. But what about us suburbanites? We are affected by this too.
One thing is for sure. I will write a proposal to my sorority alumnae chapter to do a community service event that is based on teaching better eating habits. But in the mean time what else can I do…
Ideas? Thoughts?
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Happy Shopping means I got a discount.
I am guilty of so many things…
1.As of late cheating on my diet with a tortilla chip (it was just one…It shouldn’t count).
2.Watching the entire season of Miss Rap Supreme (see previous post)
3.Sometimes not signaling when I change lanes in BK (but heck no one else does. I know. I know two wrongs...but when in Rome…)
4.Forgetting department store coupons at home!
Now one of these things can be easily rectified….
1.Can’t take that back and I don’t want to!
2.Can’t take that back even though "Chiba" should have won the competition.
3.People drive crazy in the city…and if I need to get the heck out of the way I will. I make no promises.
4.Ding! Ding! Ding! I see B.OnA B. solution coming!
And with that I bring you B.On A B does SHOPPING!
I absolutely hate it when I get into Bed Bath & Beyond and realize I left that 20% coupon at home. I mean how could I? They send dozens of them every week and they never expire (ignore the expiration date…the lovely people at BBB do!).
So what’s a B.onAB to do? Saving is a must…Squandering money went out with chain belts and cat suits at the club or heck anywhere.
Here is my answer to Savvy Shopping!
1.Start with a brand new email address. Call it something you won’t forget later like . Go to your favorite store’s websites and sign up for the mailing list using this email address. Be sure to use an easy to remember password.
Rationale: Save your real email address from the weekly email and junk that will definitely be on its way to your address once you sign up.
2.Sign up for the free rewards program…WARNING-Free rewards programs try to get you to buy frequently (duh) ….Keep your eye on the prize…the coupons that will come in the mail or to your inbox. For example, DSW’s rewards program…you have to buy 8 pairs of shoes (last time I checked) before you get the free pair BUT in the mean time they send you 20% off coupons regularly.
3.See a coupon that fits your exact need/want? PRINT IT OUT RIGHT AWAY…Don’t wait (don’t get fired doing it either). Waiting is going to cause you to forget about it. Print it out right away, cut it neatly (if necessary), fold it, and place it in your wallet! So when you go to pay at the register…AHA! You have a coupon.
4.Shop when you are ready!!! Learn the cycle. For example, every month or so Macy’s has a ONE DAY SALE…missed it this month? So what? It’s coming again. If you can wait you can save.
5.Be nice to the sales reps. You should always be nice, but you should be especially nice when you are shopping. I can’t begin to tell you how many times I’ve gotten an “inside tip” on a sale coming up. “Don’t buy that honey. It’s going on sale next week!” Remember who helped you as well. You may be asked at the register and your acknowledgement that “___helped me” could mean commission or better hours for that friendly sales rep and savings for you!
6.READ THE FINE PRINT!!! Most times there are conditions on the bottom of the coupon. Don’t get caught out there…read them and be aware before you have a rude awakening at the counter.
7.Get a personal shopper. It’s free at Lord & Taylor and many other department stores. In the past I have picked out an outfit and gave the rep my credit card info and she rang it up on the day of the sale (saving me 40% at the time). No wait, No fuss! Fabulous!
Final Caveat….Be discreet with your savings pass (read: coupon). Use the correct terminology: at Lord & Taylor it’s a savings pass at NY& Co it’s an online coupon or ring code. Use an indoor tone when you tell the sales rep that you have a discount…it’s YOUR business not everyone else’s. Ask the sales rep “I have this savings pass. Can you apply this to my purchase?” This is a classy way of approaching the situation. And always make sure you can pay full price just in case the coupon doesn’t work. It’s tacky to argue over a COUPON! (I have witnessed this…it’s never a good look). Do the math in your head before you get to the counter.
OH I ALMOST FORGOT. Calculate the amount you saved or just look at the receipt and immediately transfer that amount from your checking to your savings account! You didn’t save anything if you spend it at the food court!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Every morning I wake up, say my prayers/thanks, brush my teeth, and check my email. I have a few email accounts (as most people do). It is my way of keeping organized. I have hotmail (on MSN) for most of my social correspondence. I have gmail for business. I have my general work email and I have another hotmail address for graphics/website help. Let’s just say when it comes to email…I get it in : - )
I digress. Anyway I always check to see what is new in the world. I have to say that comes up with the most timely articles/discussion topics. I wonder if they are reading my mind and then posting the answer. Hmmm.
Case and point.>1=32001 (open in a new window to review…there will be a test)
Once again MSN has done it! The topic of our discussion today is dealing with people who try to thwart your B.on a B. spirit. See significant quotes from the article followed by my two cents below:
The Honest Critic. “This is the person that considers it her/his] divine right… to speak the truth at all costs. And you’re not supposed to be offended because this person is just being honest.”
The advice the article gives: This type of person is self-centered, says Tina B. Tessina, Ph.D., author of It Ends With You: Grow Up and Out of Dysfunction. "She says the first thing that pops into her mind — just like a 2-year-old — with no regard for hurt feelings or consequences." Or she's provocative just for effect, hoping to cause a stir by dropping verbal bombs no one else would dream of saying. But here's the rub: Telling this walking sledgehammer that her harsh words hurt your or anyone else's feelings may play right into her need to be the brave truth teller, thus stoking an already inflamed ego. So to call her on her bad behavior, say something like, "I guess I'm one of those people who prefers tact and empathy to 'honesty,'" suggests Tessina.
B.on a B. response: Honesty does not automatically equal truth. It never did. I have met many people that use this excuse. They pride themselves in always “keeping it real/realistic” as if their opinion is gospel truth. The sad part is they never do it with themselves. So your honesty is just for me? Why thanks…you shouldn’t have…no really you keep it.
Hater says: “You look fat/too skinny/funny/silly in that dress”
My response: “I look great but if you’d try it on, you wouldn’t look right which is why you’re upset. Don’t worry I understand”
Hater says…who the hell cares what the hater said because I’ve already walked away or averted my attention to something more important.
Next up the “Change-Averse Critic”. I would actually like to change the name of this hater. I hereby rename “Change-Averse Critic”….wait for it…. “The I’m stupid, uncreative, fruitless, and otherwise a loser and I want company…come join me Hater”. (takes a deep breath) also known as the “How’d you get that” hater.
Here’s what the article says... With this type of critic, there are usually two underlying issues at play — fear and a need for control. "They're afraid of the unknown and of not being in charge of their surroundings, so they end up projecting those fears onto everybody else," explains Tessina. Your idea might also make this critic realize her life isn't all she wants it to be, so she/he tries to hold you back along with her/him.
B.on a B. response: I hate this hater! Can you tell? Okay. Okay. Strongly dislike. I recently ran into said hater a year ago. This person was in my place of residence (which is a big deal because I usually don’t let haters in the house…but who knew that person was a hater. Go figure) for all of five seconds before they said, “How much do you pay for this? How did you get in here?
PAUSE. I need a moment to breathe. Exhale. Okay. Let’s proceed.
Hater: How much do you pay for this? How did you get in here?
My Response: BLANK STARE…followed by a sigh. (I really don’t want to be mean to this person but COME ON REALLY?)
Hater: I mean do you pay a lot?
My Response: BLANK STARE (I’m really shocked. I am also trying to figure out if this person wants help finding a place or if they want to compare/compete with me.) I know a great real estate agent*. Let me know if you want her number.
Hater: Oh please. I’m not a baller like you… (Snickers at their own joke)
My Response: Sorry to hear that….you ready to go?
Needless to say this person has not seen the inside of my home again.
Finally, my favorite critic from the article “The Competitive critic.” This is the critic that I am sad to say I have the most interactions with. This is the person that you get along with, have fun with, but then all of a sudden, out of no where, they hate on you. You purchase a new car…they find some way to say how their car is better. You get a new job…they some how find a way to tell you that one day you’ll get a job like they will. To be honest and truthful, this person is not faring any better than you in life. If they were, you would know it, and they wouldn’t have to brag. Looking at the grand picture…why are you competing against anyone….in LIFE? Competition is great…as long as you are actually in a competition. But the last time I checked…the only one keeping score on life is God. So I repeat…why are they competing with you?
Now say this loud and proud: I do things to make myself happy. I do it at the pace which pleases me. My decisions are based on my needs and my family’s needs. My thought process when making a decision does not include you. Okay hater??
Feel better right? Well heck I do! LOL
The article says to confront the Competitive Critic and ask them if they are truly happy for you. I disagree here. Chances are if you are reading this blog…you are no dummy (shameless branding). You know they are not happy for you. Instead, I would simply reply “I’m happy with my choice” and leave it at that.
Phew! That was a lot of negativity to handle in one day. Some final thoughts for all of you B.on a B’s out there:
1. Recognize hate. Acknowledge that your FRIENDS may be the ones hating on you. Use your discretion. Figure out if this person is truly a friend. They may be good people but are projecting their insecurities on to you for the moment. Your response should then be aimed at the root of the problem.
2. Validate yourself at home. Make sure you know what your strengths are. You will always be affected by haters if you are unsure of yourself. Before you walk out the door make sure you are confident about all aspects of you.
3. Hang around movers and shakers. I sound like my mom here. You are truly what your friends are. If they are going places and not afraid to take risks. You will be motivated to do the same. (Quick acknowledgement to my friends, grain, sorors, and family. you guys are the best lol)
4. Don’t become a hater. If you recognize any of those hater comments coming out of your mouth…STOP and apologize immediately. Then go and figure out what is truly the problem.
5. Everything isn’t hate. The truth hurts. Evaluate what was said and see if it has the ring of truth. Even if it was said harshly. It may be poorly conveyed constructive criticism. “You’re breath stinks” is not hate. “You failed” is not hate. “You’re not that pretty”…ding ding ding HATE! See the difference? (if you didn’t…the keywords there are “not that”)
I leave you with my favorite and most uncanny response to hate comes from the movie Pirates of the Caribbean”
Guardsmen: Jack Sparrow! You have got to be the worst pirate I have ever heard of! (Scoffs)
Johnny Depp: (with a real slick tone to his voice) Oh but you have heard of me…
LOL! Stay relevant!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Will the female Kanye stand up?!
- Gimmicky clothing (lots are guilty)
- Weird hair (Kim I love you but that means you)
- Bright/tacky color combinations
- brand name dropping (especially if you are not going to wear it right)
- wacked out stylists!
- Weak Rhymes
- SEX...stop talking about body parts...when i first encountered the words Ill Nana, it really made me sick : -(
More (again in no particular order):
- metaphors
- story telling (quick acknowledgement to Eve..I did like that Love is Blind song and Kim)
- Believable and blended weaves
- grown up voices ( I cannot listen to the high pitched chipmunk on a record effect)
- Clothes...actual clothes not contraptions. Stop shopping at Vicki's for everything...visit the other stores in the mall. Would it kill you to stroll in Lord & Taylor's?
- songs about anything other than sex, Gucci (usually rhymed with...oh well you know), and/or Prada
The truth is any natural born female has a (rhymes with Gucci) and if she really wanted a Gucci (I mean a bag this time) she could run to the store (given she has the cash) and purchase one. But not every female can step up to a mic in a crowded room and completely move an audience with her lyrics, style and presence. Even if she had all the money in the world.
I know that the rap industry is male dominated and at times sexist but there has to be a greater need (greater than mine) to hear a female rapper that has something inspiring to say.
So far on Miss Rap Supreme, I like Chiba and Reece. However, they fall into the problem of being poorly presented. Chiba needs a stylist that will give her more of a mature look. She can still be sexy just not so overt. Reece is cool too she just needs someone to tone down the platinum blond, give her a precision cut, and arch her brows. Then Wa-la Fabulous!
As an admitted optimist, I hope these two (as well as the other women) are transformed. They all have potential but they are rough around the edges image wise. A little consultation with a true stylist (whose repertoire does not include the Barnum & Bailey Circus) and a touch of charm school and these ladies could truly be what the industry needs more of.
TTFN! (ta ta for now)
Monday, May 5, 2008
B.On A.B.'s take on Coffee, Tea and the like
Without realizing it, my tea and cocoa field trips became part of my daily regime.
I had a slight epiphany last semester, while in class. A twinge of guilt, embarrassment and remorse suddenly came over me as I picked up my DD cup. There I was sipping $2 Hot cocoa in my management class and realized the depressing irony.
"Who am I fooling? What am I learning here?" I thought. How dare I call myself a student of business majoring in management and I'm mismanaging my own funds. This $4 a day habit is costing me.
I quickly turned to an empty page in my notebook and jotted down the following:
$2 (tea a day) X 5 days a week (no tea on Sat & Sun) = $10
$2 (cocoa) X 2 nights a week (class) = $4
$14 a week X 4 weeks = $56
$56 x 12 months = $672
Yea, that's right $672 a year on tea and cocoa. I suddenly felt sick. I took one long loving look at the half-full lukewarm cup of cocoa and silently bid it farewell. I swore off tea and cocoa as if it were poison.
Okay...that lasted for a whole week. I was running early one morning and decided to drop into Target for a couple of items for the house...and there it was...a gleaming STARBUCKS sign in TARGET. Oh what a lovely sight it was. It was cold outside and I was wandering aimlessly around Target. What better way to start the day and fight off the cold then with a nice tall steaming cup of Tazo tea? ::SIGH:: (Someone cue "I Know" by Jay-Z). So I sauntered over and ordered myself some tea.
At work that day I realized that I didn't have to give up my love of peppermint tea and cocoa. I just had to find a suitable solution to my costly habit. I thought about just buying tea three times a week instead of five times. Nope. That won't work. Okay what about drinking tea at home before I get to work? Hmm. Nope. There was something stylish about having that cup with me every morning as I arrived at work. Could it be that the the coffee cup is the ultimate fashion accessory of 2008? Did it beat out the treo and blackberry of 2007? Or the Sidekick of 2006?
The coffee cup with the safety-sleeve is all over the place...Like leggings (spandex reincarnated!!) and Uggs...
I interrupt this blog for a special message:
Ladies can we NOT wear Uggs in the summer with short skirts? It's confusing and stinky (re: sweaty feet in the summer)...Go get a pedi and wear sandals. THANKS!
I digress..
Where was I? Oh yes my tea habit. There had to be some way that I could have my tea, preserve my precious dollars, and yet remain stylish. Then it came to me. Keep the tea...lose the cup! I could still have my Starbucks or DD or Celestial Seasonings (great mint tea) but I would buy it in bulk, make it at home and put it in an ultra sexy-sleek vacuum bottle (alias Thermos).
Now I know what you're thinking...a Thermos? Yuck!
Oh quite the dears I am now the proud owner of an adorable vacuum flask/bottle. There are all different shapes, sizes, designs etc. Designer flasks (yes you read it right).
They range from retro flasks (see picture to the right) to sleek designs.
They cost anywhere from $4 to $30 depending on size and brand. I have a four dollar one that holds about 16 fl oz.
So how much am I saving you ask? Let's see:
$4 bottle (one time cost) + $120 ($10 a month-supply of tea and/or cocoa at one tea bag/cocoa pkt per day) = $124
$672-124= $548 a year!
That's some savings and I'm still drinking the same tea! Now, this does mean I have to make
I must say that every once in a blue moon I do go to Starbucks and DD just for sheer convenience. I am not discouraging the patronage of such fine beverage producing institutions but there is a wise saying “Economy is a savings-bank, into which men drop pennies, and get dollars in return.” (Josh Billings)....Every little bit counts.
Til next time :- )
Oh yea!
Check out...
My Vintage Kitchen
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Welcome To Bourge(oisie) On A Budget

Welcome to Bourge(oisie) On A Budget or "Bourgie" (boo-jee) on a Budget for short. The intent for creating this blog is simple...
1. To highlight hot, new, fashion and beauty trends.
2. To share economical alternatives for the latest fashion/beauty trends.
3. To share easy how-to's...on the latest looks.
4. and finally...To make the world fashionably fabulous!
How the blog will work:
- Highlights will be posted weekly on the following topics: Fashion, Beauty/Skin Care, Culture, Misc. Experiences.
- Readers are encouraged to post their fashion finds and rate the ones posted.
This blog is not endorsed by any brand or company and reflect the honest opinion of the author. Any derogatory postings or postings containing profanity will be deleted.
Happy reading!